Saturday, May 22, 2010

It has been a while....

This past week was a busy one for me so I have been slacking on the blog. The Rettig house is officially counting down until summer. We have 19 days until summer break. Well a little more for me but 19 until the kids are done. We joined a community pool this summer so we are looking forward to that. I know Sean will love it as well!

My funny story for this morning: Sean was walking around saying, "apple-pus," over and over. I looked at Dan and he had no idea what that meant either. Finally, Sean found the book he was looking for and brought it over. It was an under the ocean type of book. Can you guess what he was saying..........octopus! ha ha I love it.

The others that are my favorite:
1. "scrooberdriber" for screwdriver
2. "auntie-sauras" for achillesaurus (a dinosaur)
3. "fridgeberator" for refrigerator

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