Tuesday, February 28, 2012


If you've been around Sean at all in the past few months you'll know exactly what that title phrase sounds like. He looovess his baby sister and refers to her that way almost all of the time. In fact, she is so used to it now that she doesn't always turn her head with just one "Carter". Dan and I have started saying it as well as it just caught on. I fear she might go to preschool ignoring the teacher until she hears 4 'Carters' in a row! We also are just big in general on nick names. As a baby we called Sean "booger" or "boog" and now she call him all sorts of things. We basically rhyme everything at our house. Once Sean figured out how to rhyme he is on a roll with nick names. For instance, Carter is sometimes, "Carter bobarter" and Sean is "Seany Boboni". I know it sounds so silly but seems so normal at the time to us and our cute little family!

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