Saturday, July 5, 2014

Family get together

Since we don't make it up to western NY too often, we haven't seen our extended family in quite a while. My uncle was able to host my mom's side of the family at his house for a nice lunch/afternoon. While we were there the kids got to go on yet another "gator" ride (or rides as they just started asking anyone to take them!) and we got to take a ride around Rushford lake with my Uncle Rick and my Great Uncle Melvin. We had amazing weather, 77 and no humidity. We didn't wear our bathing suits as the water was probably a little chilly for us but we still enjoyed our ride around the lake.

I also was able to nag my family into letting me take a few family pictures. Some of them were not so excited about that as you can see from their faces!

It was so great to be able to spend the day with our family!

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