Friday, June 17, 2016

Last day of school...kind of?

There are no pictures to document the last day of school this year, because, we didn't have one! We came home late after a swim meet on Thursday, June 16th. We saw the warnings come across the screen and immediately woke the kids up from their beds and went to the basement. We just got settled on the big comfy couch when we lost power. Without power and limited cell service we didn't really know what was coming our way but we heard the wind snapping trees and whipping around the yard. The flashes of ligthening were all we could use to glimpse into the backyard to assess the damage. Finally, about 10:45 things cleared up and then it just rained all night. Without power all night and assuming most schools didn't have power I checked online about the status of our final day of school. Schools were cancelled all over Richmond. No one had power, including schools, trees were down on roads everywhere, the city was paralyzed. The wehater took a turn for the better and we had a high of 73 with no humidity. It was so nice to sit on the front porch and enjoy some family time when we should have been at school on one of the busiest days of the year.

It was certainly an odd way to end the year! Luckily, we were only without power for about 2.5 days and a friend saved me by storing my freezer stuff (JAM!). We were able to get ice and eat mos tof the food we had in the fridge and enjoy some outside time in the neighborhood and dinner on the grill/deck. The low temps kept the house cool and I personally enjoyed a break from a technology heavy world!

Now, a couple more days for me to wrap things up at school before the real fun begins! SUMMER!

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