Thursday, June 9, 2011

Random update

There hasn't been a whole lot of news lately but a few cute things here and there.
1. Sean's new phrase, "Sometime me like it, and....sometimes me don't". For example I said, "Sean why don't you like peanut butter on your sandwich, it makes it taste better (than just jelly)," and he said, "sometimes me like peanut butter, and sometimes me don't". He says it so matter a fact-ly, is that a word? Anyway, it is really cute.

2. GoldFish aka GO-Fish. We are so excited that Sean now understands the concepts of a game. He has several games that he likes to play one being GO-Fish. He calls it, "GoldFish" even though we correct him. Yesterday out of the blue, he told me he would like to play goldfish with his baby sister when she gets here. Very cute!

3. When trying to get Sean to move a little faster at times we'll use the "lets race" game. Well, lately everything is about winning and him being first. Oops. Guess we overplayed that card. Even if he doesn't "win" he still says, "I won". He does say, "good game" after playing a game that he won at to the other person. Anyone that knows me well knows that I am a firm believer that fun comes first and not winning. Let's hope we can get him to understand that!

4. We did have a big of a stomach bug go through the Rettig house. It was only the second time that Sean has had a bug that made him throw up. Poor thing. He, luckily, only threw up 3 times (of course one of them being ON ME!), and then was able to sleep through the night with no issues. He stayed home with Dan for one day and then was back to normal. I unfortunately caught his bug on Monday, minus the throwing up, and so I was home sick for a half day. Compared to the last time we all got the stomach bug, that was nothing! Whew.

5. School is coming to an end for Sean. His last day will be next Friday and I am sure he doesn't quite understand. I hope he won't miss it too much. We plan on filling our days with beach trips and the pool! He also is taking swim lessons at his school in July so we'll be able to pop in and say hello to his teacher and friends. He has learned so much this year and we have truly enjoyed having him in such a small, loving, environment.

6. Letters! For a while Sean wasn't very interested in letters and so we kind of just backed off but now he is all about it. He points out the letters he knows on signs where ever we go. Right now, he has only a few like: S (for Sean of course!), M for mommy, B (sometimes), D for Daddy. He often asks us what letter a word starts with. He has all his colors down, finally! We've seen a lot of growth in the past two months and we will be continuing to work on this stuff over the summer since he won't be at school.

7. Baby Sister's name is........BABY SISTER! Sean really only likes to call his baby sister by that name only. Her real name is going to be: Carter Quinn, whoa that is the first time I ever typed it out! Anyway, he either calls her baby sister or "not Tucker" which is the name he originally called her. Silly boy.

Ok, that maybe I should have updated more in the last week! That is the news from our end. We did a little slip n slide fun this week so once I download those pics I'll add them to the blog. He enjoyed his slip n slide and sprinkler quite a bit and the weather sure does make even me want to run through the sprinkler, so hot!

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