Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sean's 6th Birthday

Today Sean turned 6 years old. Where did the time go? How in the world do Dan and I have a 6 year old son? That seems so much older than just a 5 year old son? He was so excited to wake up and see his gifts out that he had to open at least a few before school. We saved the big one (bike) for after Dan got home. Poor guy had to wait until 7:15 because Dan's baseball game ran late. The three of us had dinner without Dan because we couldn't wait that long. Sean chose our menu, chicken broccoli casserole and rice, one of his favorites. After presents we ate some fabulous cupcakes that came from a local cupcake bakery, Sean decided it would be best for us all to split them. So we cut them into fourths and had a try of each flavor. Whew! What a day! Next up Field day for Sean and Mommy and then his birthday weekend begins!

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