Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is new with Sean?

As I have said before, Sean's vocabulary grows each day. Here are a few of my favorite words/phrases for this week:

**"scoos ee" (excuse me) when he burps or needs to get by you
**"tach choo" (thank you)
** "daddy, too?" which is the most popular phrase in our house right now. Sean loves when Daddy plays with him
** "up," (up, please, play) get up and play with me, please?
**"pay-do" Sean loves to play play-doh!
**"oh-meal" (oatmeal) Sean can put away 2 sometimes 3 servings of oatmeal in the morning. Hungry boy!

Sean is to the point where he'll repeat almost anything you say, in his own words. It is really fun to have a conversation with him. He is so observant as well, when we are out and he notices things we don't notice. He knows which cell phone/shoes/coat is mine and which is Dan's.Or he'll hear a truck drive by behind our house and say, "truck". He is just learning so much!

We are finally back to work again after another snow day yesterday. It was a close call and Dan and I both almost drove in during a blizzard (literally, snowing inches and really windy) to get to work against our better judgement. I followed my gut and stay homed not wanting to put myself or Sean (or other drivers) at risk. We were safe though because they closed school anyway. Whew..has mother nature has us confused with Buffalo? More snow projected for next week!

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