Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The "part"

We have been taking advantage of the weather these past few days and taking Sean to the park. Well, he now has confused our back yard with the park. Yesterday, we were walking towards the car and he starts running to the backyard yelling, "PART, PART!" (park, park). We explained that we were driving to the park and that he could play at the big park with the other kids. So, after much coaxing he finally got in the car. He had a blast at the real park. Then when we came home he played at his own "part" in the backyard. We are working on calling our house the "back yard" and the real park, the "park". We hope this weather continues because all of us are enjoying being outside everyday! Here are some pics from the "part".


  1. Awww... he is so cute!!! he is getting so big! -Sara-

  2. hahahha that last pic is hilarious. What a cutie.
