Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School!

Sean started at his new preschool this morning and it seems the morning was more traumatic for me than it was him. He was pretty clingy when we walked in but once he saw the toys and the other kids I was able to sneak away. I called around 11 and they said he was having a great day and hadn't cried at all. When I walked in at 3:15 he had just woken up from his nap and he looked at me and then burst into tears! The teacher said he hadn't cried at all and so we were wondering why he was crying then? Anyway, overall he said he had a good day and he liked school and would like to go back tomorrow. Here are a some pics from this morning and then some the teacher took and emailed me. Whew, I felt like I was sending him to college..
Bye, Daddy!

Sean's class.


  1. oh my gosh - he is just too cute.. i love those plaid shorts! Glad his first day went well!

  2. awww.. hanti is excited to see him!!!
