Saturday, August 28, 2010

Potty Training Boot Camp

We did away with Diapers starting Monday morning, first thing and haven't looked back. The first couple of days were rough with a lot of accidents, but Sean is getting the hang of the potty training now and he is making good progress. Dan did most of the hard work as I went back to work on Wednesday and he was home with Sean, so I can't really take credit! Today and yesterday Sean has started telling us when he has to go, making it to the bathroom, and going without having an accident. There are still some accidents but, not as many. Dan and I are proud of his progress! Sean is also proud. Whenever he goes in the potty, he'll get up and say, "Good job, Sean!". It is quite funny.

In other news, as I said, I went back to work and Dan will go back to work on Monday which puts an end to our summer of fun. We are missing the beach already! Sean will start at a new preschool (hence the potty training) and so we are excited for him but nervous at the same time. I will now be dropping him off as opposed to the past two years where Dan dropped him off. I hope he doesn't give me a hard time when I leave. I think I'll keep the tissues handy on Monday! (not for Sean!)

Also, on a sidenote, Sean has acquired the lovely skill of unlocking and locking the doors. So, Dan and I are often outside of a door saying, "unlock the door" while he laughs on the inside of the room. Oh geez.

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