Thursday, December 2, 2010

The MISSING M & M minis. . .

Sean and I went to the grocery store after I picked him up from school. Before I tell the story of the "drama" I will tell the cute part. He, for the first time, drove his own mini-cart. I have to say it was quite possibly the cutest.thing.ever. Oh my goodness, when he walked by people he would say, "excuse me," or, "excuse us,"--precious! Everyone in the store was in awe of him and his driving of the cart. He did so well and could not have been more excited to be in charge. I wasn't even allowed to touch the cart!

Ok, so somehow I let him talk me into buying him some sort of candy that he could earn when he is a good listener. We are REALLY working on listening right now and I so I thought it would be fine. So, we decided on M & M minis which are harmless in small doses. So, we put them in his car and I even remember putting them on the belt to be scanned. Anyway, fast forward 20 minutes to us frantically searching all the bags for the mystery M & M's which were no where to be found. OH NO! Sean starts pointing his finger at me and screaming, "you hid them from me, mommy". I am replying (in laughter) that I swear I didn't hide them that we really didn't get them from the store. Then the water works begin cue the alligator tears. I felt SO bad. Poor thing! I promised him this special candy and then they were gone! So, THANK GOODNESS Daddy could stop on the way home to get him some M & M minis and so the crisis was averted. We still have no idea where those M & M minis went and we probably never will!

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