Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our Sweet Sean

Sean had his 4 year old appointment today and did great! He was such a great listener (though very shy) during the whole appointment. He really likes his Dr. and when he pretends to be a Dr. with his Dr. kit, he pretends to be Dr. Dawson, which is really cute. Carter had a little trouble during his appointment but some yogurt melts kept her occupied. She doesn't like to be contained and there was no way I was letting her crawl all over the floor in the exam room, yuck! So, though she had some yogurt melts in her hair, we all survived and Sean didn't even need to get a shot!

He is 32 lbs and 39.25 inches. He is on the low side for percentiles (25%) but he did grow 4 inches in a year which is above average. His vision, motor skills, and social skills are right on track. Sean is on the sensitive side but that gives him such a great personality. He cares so much about other people and especially his sister. I don't know if you all notice but in many pictures, he is doing something to "protect" his sister. He'll put his hand out to grab her, or hold her back, if he sees her about to eat something off the floor she shouldn't he runs to grab it. He is just very conscientious
and loving towards her. Of course, she gets on his nerves like any little sis would but overall, he is so loving and caring towards her (even when she hits him--she is a fiesty girl!). He has been doing wonderful at school and hasn't had a bad report for behavior in months. I cannot even remember the last time he got in trouble at school. At home...well he has his moments but for the most part his behavior is great. He loves being a helper. He helped me clean up the kitchen last night and even swept the floor. He'll have about two more weeks of school and then be home with us for the summer where we'll spend our days on vacation and the pool. He'll start swim lessons after his school is out in a few weeks. He knows almost all of his letters and sounds and we are working on numbers and reading a few short words. He is such a smart guy and we are so proud of him!

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