Monday, June 11, 2012

Carter is 9 months!

Whew! Time is flying and our sweet girl is another month older. Here is what she is up to lately:
*super fast crawling!
*she cruises around the furniture and is now standing on her own quite frequently
*She waves bye bye, claps, plays peek a boo, and "so big", she also pretends to lay down and go to sleep when we say "go night night" and peeks through her legs upside down.
*She has 2 teeth on the bottom and 3.5 on the top. The last one is cutting through (and given her some trouble!)
*She still is between taking 3 naps a day and 2 naps a day but is luckily, sleeping in a little later to 7 am
*She eats, eats, and eats. The girl eats everything we put on her tray and more! She is a great eater and has been eating all table food for quiet a while and really enjoys eating the same things as we eat for dinner.
*favorite food is broccoli
*She really loves to listen to books now. For a while she was too distracted but recently she has really taken an interest into hearing us read to her. Sean even reads her a few books (that he has memorized)
*She loves to roam around naked after her bath. It has become a habit and she has only peed on the floor once. She hates when you put her diaper and clothes on after her bath!
*Her main word is "ball" which kind of sounds like "baww". She says "ba" sometimes for bath and sometimes says "ba ba" for bye bye. She loves to play with a ball and now even can throw it.
*Other words more recently: Da for dog, bot for bottle
*can stand up on her own without any help
*holds her own bottle
*loves to dance
*can give kisses but mostly reserves them for Sean!

All was great at Carter's 9 month appointment, well that is after we left! She might have screamed so loud that the whole building heard her! She does not like to be confined to a small room and laid down on her back to get measured. Yikes. It was a rough hour for her with ended with a shot, which she also did not appreciate! Sean was really good though but he understands good behavior= a lollipop! She weighed 19 lbs 8 oz which is 70% and was 30 in which is 98%. When I noticed she only grew 1/4 an in I assumed her height growth was slowing down, but nope, she is still a high 98%...our tall girl!! She looks huge in the picture below!

 Look at those teeth!
 What a sweet girl!

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