Thursday, September 20, 2012


I feel the need to write a post just for Carter since she didn't really get a 1 year old update. She is such a smart girl! She talks soo much. Just this weekend we've heard, turtle, butterfly, basketball...amazing! She also is great at following your directions. Like, "carter go get the baby and put her to sleep" and she'll go get it and put it in the baby stroller/carriage. It just amazes us! She is very opinionated and shows how she feels quiet often! She is starting to fight back a little with Sean and certainly will not tolerate him taking away something from her! She is a master escape artist (as we all know Sean was) and she can actually open both of our gates and walk right out of the living room. She has no fear and tries to walk down stairs, off steps, etc. She can climb up onto the furniture now and thinks is hilarious to stand up and walk around (all while Dan runs to catch her...she kind of thinks it is a game).

At her one year check up she was happy and healthy (until they tried to measure her and give her shots!) Height: 31.75 inches which is 98% and weight: 21.5 lbs which is 50%. So, she is still a tall, thin, girl. She actually reacted to her shots this go round and had a bit of a fever and was super cranky for a day or so. She perked up with some motrin and seems to have snapped out of it now.

She sure makes life in this house more interesting! We love you Car!

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