Friday, September 9, 2011

Carter's BIRTHday!

Well, as you can see we have a new blog as to include to our latest arrival. Carter Quinn Rettig arrived on Thursday, September 8th at 4:42 pm. It was a crazy day or labor that had its ups and downs but ended up working out. I was experiencing a bit of a fever during labor and also Carter's heart rate was dropping a bit so things got a little stressful for a bit, but she still arrived sooner than we expected and came out just perfect! The Dr. had concerns over her size and now that we have met her, we see why! She is a big girl, weighing 8lbs 13oz, measuring 22 inches at birth. I guess she got her Daddy's genes in the height department.

The family got a quick sneak peak of her before she was taken to the nursery and then was able to come back and visit the following day for some more snuggles. Sean was nervous at first when he walked in because I was in the hospital bed and I had an IV in, still. He was very concerned about why I needed the IV. He is also very concerned about how baby sister came out. Luckily, I've been dodging that question since then though I know at some point, he'll bring it up again! I am going to try really hard to stay on top of the blog so more pics and posts to come!

Just minutes old!She looks like she is winking!
Daddy's little girl!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Sooo...I'm off of facebook for a bit, so Kristy text messaged me that you had had Carter! I have your phone number stored so I'd love to bring you dinner sometime soon. Things are kinda crazy here, but hopefully in the beginning of October?? Congrats!!! She is gorgeous. She takes after her awesome big bro! I'm so glad you've blogged so much. I didn't check it because I figured you hadn't. I was very surprised! GO MOM!!!!!

  2. I also figured you weren't's been fun reading about the everthing! I hope I can keep up with mine post-baby too!
