Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What a great day!

So, I am convinced that my children decided to give me a bday present just a day late. First off, Carter made it all the way TO and FROM Sean's school without crying (I did have the static on full blast, but whatever works) Then, all day she napped so great! I decided to re-visit the sleeping in the crib plan. This time, once I noticed she was tired, I swaddled her up, gave her the paci and walked away. Within 5 mins she was sound asleep. She slept for 45 mins. I was so happy! About 45 mins later she again showed signs of being tired (because she needed a longer nap than 45 mins) so I did the same thing and she fell asleep on her own AGAIN! I actually had to wake her up to take her to pick up Sean's school. Wow! So around 1pm she needed another nap. This time she fought it for a few mins but also passed out and then slept for 2.5 hours! I laid down with Sean at 2pm thinking she'd wake up any minute. Well, I woke up an hour later at 3pm and she was still sound asleep. So, figuring she'd be hungry I came downstairs to make her bottle. I waited and waited and she finally woke up at 3:30pm. Then, she was practically falling asleep again while eating so I put her back down and she slept until 4:30 pm. WHAT!?! Who is this child? All afternoon she was so smiley and happy and I think it was because she finally got the naps she needed! She might have been extra sleepy because of her shots yesterday but who knows? Sean also had a great report at school! It was a wonderful day. Now lets hope for more like this! :o)

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