Monday, March 12, 2012

Carter is 6 months old

Our sweet Carter is six months old! She continues to be a joy to our entire family. She has changed so much in the past few months. Here is what she is up to these days:
*Weighs 16 lbs 8 oz (60 percentile)
*Measures 29.75 inches (99 percentile)
*scooting around on the floor
*on her hands and knees, rocking and ready to take off
*goes down for naps and bedtime without crying (and without a paci as we phased that out months ago, yay!)
*prefers to fall asleep in her own bed rather than be snuggled before naps/bed (I would like a little more snuggling but she gets super squirmy until you put her down in her bed)
*She sleeps on her tummy all of the time
*she rolls over but not to get across the room. Just to play on her tummy or back if she wants a change of scenery
*Eats about 2 oz of solids each night at dinner
*consistently signs for milk
*gets excited when she sees the spoon when it is time to eat
*goes to bed at 8pm and wakes up at 6:30am (we wake her up)
*still loves Sean and other little kids who pay attention to her
*smiles 90% of the time and laughs everyday
*loves taking a bath with big brother (we call it a "double" bath)
*wearing 12 month PJ's and 9 mo clothes
*still enjoys being in her jumparoo but spends most of her time playing on the floor
*has taken a noticable interest in toys

Carter's first bow!
Shes changed so much!
Laughing at Sean!
Love her!
"Look whooos the cutest!"
Such a big girl!

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