Saturday, December 10, 2011

A note from Mommy.

Today was my last day as a stay at home mom, at least until summer breaks rolls around again. I have a few things I wanted to tell you both. Sean-you and I have been a team (because Daddy traveled quite a bit this summer) for quite some time now. Since June, I've been home and it has been great getting to spend so much time with you. I loved going to the pool with you this summer and going to the library, and the mall and I especially loved our two beach trips. I went back to work for a few days, but really not that long. It has been a long time that we've been together now, which is why going back to work, will be that much harder. I loved our family of three and thought there was no way that life could get any better. But, I was wrong, it did get better and that was on Sept. 8th 2011 when Carter joined us. I knew you loved her from the instant you met her. You are a great big brother, you take care of her, help Mommy when I need something, you make her smile and laugh and you just love her sooo much. She loves you back. I can see it in her eyes when you come into the room and the way she watches you all day long. It is so special to see you two together and I know there are only more good times to come.

Carter-You are such a sweet girl and leaving your smiles for someone else to enjoy all day is heartbreaking to me. I know it'll get easier but the thought of not being with you every second of the day, is hard. I know you'll be fine because you are such a good girl and will make anyone who is with you so happy to be around you. I have loved every minute of being home with (well except that one week where you refused to nap, lol). You are so happy all of the time and you just make me and your Daddy and Sean smile so much! I am going to miss that giddy whole body smile you give when you wake up from your nap and you see me come into your room, or the constant coo-ing that you do all day. I know our time will be precious when I get home from work. Believe me, I will be racing out of work each day just so I can get home to see you as soon as I can. I hope you won't miss your brother too much either. He'll be at school learning lots of great things and you'll be at the babysitters with some other little babies around your age.

I just wanted to tell you both, when you read this one day, that I loved being home with you and that you both mean the world to me.

I love you both,
PS. Please don't grow up anymore. I want you to both to stay like this forever.

Sean took this picture!


  1. Beautiful!!!! Kids are simply amazing! Your children are blessed to have you as a mom! Good luck going back I know it isn't easy but you will make it. And savor the evenings and weekends :)

  2. Thanks Sara! I know what to expect this time around so I hope I am more prepared. It does make the time we have that much more special.
