Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dentist, playdate, Maymont, the petting zoo, and mulch!

What do all three of these things have in common? We did them all today! We started off at the dentist for Sean's very first appointment. He did great! I am not sure they have ever seen a more cooperative, polite little boy! Wow. He was definitely a little nervous but he listened and did what they asked him and was excited to get his "goody" bag with a new toothbrush and toothpaste. I am so glad it went well. He has no idea that most people hate going to the dentist so at this point, he is on the right track!
 Outside the office
 A look of fear!!
 He loosened up and wasn't so scared
 He was happy to have a goody bag and a treasure from the treasure box!

 After the dentist, he came home to have a playdate with his best buddy Gracyn. Those two had a blast though sadly I didn't get any pictures.

Keeping up with Auntie's busy schedule we tagged along to Maymont with her for her next photo shoot. Its a very cute little park with lots of fun things to do.

Then our next stop was short pump mall. We were able to go tot he annual petting zoo they host each year around Easter. He even held a baby chick which is major progress from previous petting zoo times.
When we got home, he decided to help Daddy in the yard with the newly delivered mulch that needed to be spread. He was a great helper!!

It was another busy, fun, and tiring day with no nap. So, he crashed hard around 8pm with Auntie while Mommy and Daddy went to the movies. Spring break is turning out to be awesome so far!

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